Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sun Drop

      The other day I was watching TV and a commercial came on for a new soda called Sun Drop. The commercial caught my attention because of the the humor that was displayed through a girl drinking the soda and dancing to the popular song from Snoop Dog called Drop It Like It's Hot. The song was what originally drew me in and then when I looked up at the TV there was a girl drinking the soda and dancing in places where she seemed very out of place. This was very comedic to me and it made me pay attention to the product that was being advertised which was Sun Drop. After watching this commercial I was very intrigued by this new citrus soda, so I did a little research on it. I was surprised to find out that what I though was a new soda was actually developed in New Haven, Missouri in 1949. I found out that it was invented by a man named Charles Lazier who happened to be a salesman of beverage concentrates at the time. He was driving around in his car one day and all the sudden had a light bulb go off in his head with the idea for the perfect soda. He wrote down the receipt for the soda and gave it to his son Charles Jr who would go on to create it. Sun Drop was initially launched in 1951 with the original name of Sundrop Golden Cola or Golden Girl Cola. The rights to the soda was passed between a few different companies until it was finally acquired by Dr. Pepper who is producing the soda today and distributing it nationwide for the first time ever. It seems as though Dr. Pepper is trying to market this product towards the younger age group and my first thought was that it reminded me of how sprite is marketed. Sprite has taken a movement to market towards my age group and has done so through hip hop. That is why I made a connection between these two products. I am interested to see and wondering if people will think that Sun Drop will strive in the beverage market? 

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