Erik I do agree with you that Stumble Upon is an extremely affective marketing tool. Freshman year is when I first "stumbled" across Stumble Upon and from the first time I used it I became addicted. I think that you put it perfectly when you said that "it is the the ultimate boredom tool". Whenever I am band just sitting in my room I am noramlly fooling around on my computer and it will always involve me using stumble upon for a decent amount of time. It always brings me to websites that I would otherwise never know of and a lot of times I find a lot of really interesting things. Also the like/dislike button is the most imprtant part of Stumble Upon because it makes this tool more personal and caters to your specific interests so that the sites it brings you too are geared towards you. I think that every company should add the like/dislike on Stumble Upon to their websites because it is a great way to market yourelf. Like I said Stumble Upon has opened me up and allowed me to view numerous amounts of websites that I otherwise would never new existed.
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