Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Response to Aubrey's post on Google "Plus One"

In response to the question of whether or not the Google plus one button will make Google more competitive to social networking sites, I would say that it definitely will. I don't think that this is going to prevent people from using social networking sites like facebook less often but I do think that it will bring more attention to Google. I think that the area that Google will see the most impact on will be with businesses. The advertising business is huge now-a-days and it is the only reason that made facebook worth as much money as it is. With companies now being able to add this Google plus one button to their page it will give them another way to advertise besides on facebook. Some companies may look at this as an even more effective way to advertise than facebook because this will open up their ads to who ever is using the world wide web and not just people on facebook. I am predicting that this Google plus one button will be extremely successful and large companies may rather want to advertise with this Google tool instead of facebook because it allows you to reach so many more people.

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