Sunday, February 13, 2011

In responce to Erik Bergstrom's "Super" Marketing post

I agree with everything that Erik said in his post about the Super Bowl. Every year when the Super Bowl comes, I always here people saying how excited they are to watch it. The funny thing about this comment is that a lot of times the people that are saying this are only watching the game for the commercials. Whether you are a football fan or not the majority of the public watch the Super Bowl and company's have definitely made it a priority to advertise during it. The Super Bowl is considered one of the most watched programs of every year as this past year, viewer turnout ended up at around an estimated 111 million viewers. It is because of numbers like this the company's shell out millions of dollars for as little as a 30 second commercial. With a number like 111 million people watching it is no wonder why marketers take advantage of this once a year phenomena.

As to Fords newest marketing campaign with their new gas saving Focus I would once again agree with Erik that this is their attempt to show off their gas saving car. As Erik stated Toyota and Honda pretty much have this market locked down and it is a market that Ford needs to get into if they want to keep up with their competitors. Ford and their slogan "Built Ford Tough" has always had the image of, and been known for building quality trucks. However now-a-days gas saving cars are all the rage as the "Go Green" movement has swept the nation and people are demanding more fuel efficient vehicles.

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